Our story


In 2023, we kicked off a long-term campaign 帮助营销人员重新发现彩乐园dsn的乐趣,通过雇用新的 Chief Digital Cheerleader, Joy. In another first, 我们量化了彩乐园dsn业对英国经济的价值, businesses and people by releasing The Digital Dividend report.

We added Connected TV and Retail Media to our biggest Digital Upfronts yet, which featured the likes of Elizabeth Day, Kaiser Chiefs and Asim Chaudhry, 随着人工智能进入主流,我们将焦点转向 Engage 2023 to AI. 政府的在线广告工作小组——IAB英国是其中的一员 published its Action Plan 详细说明了行业和政府将如何合作解决非法广告问题,并进一步保护儿童免受有害广告的侵害.

IABdsn彩乐园网址是工作组行动计划的重要组成部分 bolstered this year to further crack down on scam ads and ad fraud. Elsewhere, we launched our Environmental Sustainability FAQs; set off on a roadshow of roundtables 将国会议员、当地商界领袖和地区媒体聚集在一起; helped our members to prepare for the deprecation of third-party cookies in 2024; and heard members’ views on everything from the rise of retail media to the power of emotion in advertising on The IAB UK Podcast.

Read a review of the year in full from our CEO Jon Mew.

IAB / PwC 2023年上半年彩乐园dsn支出数据= 13英镑.8bn


2022年,该行业在一系列IAB活动中再次聚集在一起. Leadership Summit 这是自2020年以来第一次回到Sopwell House举办我们的旗舰会议 Engage 搬到了新家——伦敦人——抖音猜火车明星弗朗西斯·布尔乔亚在议程上占据了头条. We also launched The Last Thursday Club -每月一次的社交活动-为IAB成员提供定期面对面聚会的机会.

当涉及到我们的政策和监管事务工作时,在线广告计划(OAP)是 a core focus in 2022. 我们回应了政府关于OAP的初步咨询,并继续与我们的成员合作,确保行业在这一过程中有发言权.

Working with our members, other significant launches in 2022 included: updates to the Gold Standard to widen the remit of who can be certified; the IAB Sustainability Glossary; our first retail media roundtable; and key definitions relating to CTV.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2022 =  £26.1bn (11% increase YoY).


2021年,彩乐园dsn行业发生了很多变化,IAB也是如此. Digital Upfronts ventured into the world of gaming and podcasts, we launched our eLearning platform为IAB英国会员提供免费培训,我们重新启用了我们的 Real Living research and Leadership Summit and Digital Trust Forum went virtual.

Our Leadership Series 阿拉斯泰尔·坎贝尔和露丝·戴维森等演讲者全年都在做主题演讲和圆桌会议. Meanwhile, 在2021年,为没有饼干的未来做准备是整个行业关注的焦点 extended the cookie deadline to 2023.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2021 =  £23.5bn (41% increase YoY).


In response to the pandemic, we created IAB UK Connected, 是什么汇集了整个行业的见解和资源,来分享我们是如何适应这种情况的.

Our flagship event transformed into Stay Engaged and a year of virtual events ended with Digital Upfronts, featuring none other than Oprah!

We also released our ‘Powering Up“我们对小型企业进行了研究,并与30多家会员合作,将其转化为一种互动方式 online tool for SMEs ——帮助他们从彩乐园dsn中挖掘更多价值.

Finally, the Gold Standard 是否已更新,以加强标准和更多的广告商宣布支持该倡议. 此外,我们的政策工作继续迅速进行,我们回应了政府就一项 HFSS online ad ban.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2020 =  £16.5bn (5.0% increase YoY).


It was truly the year of mobile as mobile advertising spend surpassed desktop for the first time. 2019 also heralded our inaugural National Anti-Click-Through Rate Day, created to gently point out 营销人员因为过于依赖点击率这一指标而变成了一群“点击头”. The campaign focused on directing the industry to our Measurement Toolkit for alternative strategies.

We released our Inclusion, Diversity and Equity 而播客前沿则由顶级人才杰西·韦尔和詹姆斯·奥布莱恩推出.

Full IAB / PwC Digital Adspend figures for 2019 =  £15.69bn (15.4% increase YoY).

Going back further…

Advertisers’ spend on digital channels grew from £8.1m in 1997 - when the IAB formed - to £13.44bn in 2018. 您可以通过Adspend analyzer跟踪超过20年的Adspend数据 here.

乔恩·纽(IAB UK现任首席执行官)于2017年接替盖伊·菲利普森, 提出“为数码广告建立可持续发展的未来”的愿景. In 2023, 这一目标演变为“将彩乐园dsn行业聚集在一起,共创美好未来”, for everyone’.

The IAB UK Podcast 和Digital upfront都是在此期间推出的, 并已成长为IAB英国目前提供的服务的中坚力量. Over the years, Upfronts speakers have included Fearne Cotton, Jon Sopel, 和Katherine Ryan,而播客现在已经播到第14季了。. 我们的旗舰会议Engage开始于2005年,演讲者从比尔·盖茨到斯蒂芬·弗莱.

The Gold Standard 2017年推出,此前一项备受瞩目的品牌安全调查显示,广告商在不知不觉中与非法内容一起出现在网上. dsn彩乐园网址第一次迭代的核心目标是通过执行IAB技术实验室的广告来解决广告欺诈问题.txt, 通过TAG的品牌安全认证来保证品牌安全,并通过遵守the Coalition for Better Ads的广告标准来改善用户体验. The Standard has since been evolved and strengthened -在2023年成为政府在线广告特别工作组行动计划的关键部分. Find out more.


Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. 抓住观众的想象力,而不仅仅是他们的注意力. 大胆地走自己的节奏,而不是让科技设定节奏. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.

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